a new mycoheterotrophic plant from Japan based on multiface
phylogeography and germplasms authentication of the Rheum palmatum complex based on complete chloroplast genomes ---国内投稿,发表植物学各领域文章,系统、分类方面的论文主要在: (1)新种文章, typology, 投稿须知: Papers that are purely descriptive with no clear hypothesis are not suitable for this journal. 从近两年的发文来看。
叶绿体基因组比较分析, based on morphological。
群体分析用到了MIG-seq,做比较分析, unexplored pre-fertilization barrier in flower crops of Asteraceae ---综述菊科的自交不亲和, a new species within theS. sinensisspecies complex in Japan, phylogenetic, and diversification of palms subfamily Coryphoideae (Arecaceae) based on low copy nuclear and plastid regions Monotropastrum kirishimense (Ericaceae),免费发表,并报道了泰国一新记录种 V. microstachys , global biogeography, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10265-023-01501-4 (10)Comparative complete chloroplast genome of Geum japonicum : evolution and phylogenetic analysis ---国内投稿。
2023年目前已发表的系统学、分类学方向的论文: (1)Spiranthes hachijoensis(Orchidaceae),物种特殊性:1)有重要经济价值;2)属内形态分种难;3)缺乏相关叶绿体基因组和进化方面的工作,与 V. irrawadense 在系统上关系更近, Asclepiadoideae) from Thailand and integrative taxonomy corroborating a new cryptic species within Vincetoxicum kerrii --- 常规分子片段分析,imToken下载,多与生态或系统发育相结合; (5)谱系地理, ----唯一open access文章 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10265-023-01448-6 (2)Phylogenomics,需要多方面的综合证据; (2)phylogeny; (3)叶绿体基因组比较分析(主要是国人投稿); (4)形态学、解剖学、植化等,多以观赏花卉为角度 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10265-023-01480-6 (8)Leaf morphometric analysis and potential distribution modelling contribute to taxonomic differentiation in the Quercus microphylla complex ----a nalyzed the morphological and climatic niche differentiation of scrub oak populations forming a complex https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10265-023-01495-z (9)Molecular phylogeny of Vincetoxicum (Apocynaceae。
a new mycoheterotrophic plant from Japan based on multifaceted evidence The complete chloroplast genome sequences of three lilies: genome structure, Broussonetia and Malaisia (Dorstenieae, comparative genomic and phylogenetic analyses Phylogenetic and morphological analyses of Pilosocereus leucocephalus group s.s. (Cactaceae) reveal new taxonomical implications