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do a little massage of your pectoral muscles and some gentle tapping on your sternum to awaken your diaphragm (this is very beneficial to do when you are lying down). Relaxing your chest in this way is a start reestablishing your breathing coordination. Carl Stough died in 2000,是一位富有创造力的耶鲁大学本科生授予他的, 横幅——“‘呼吸教父’到访!”——1968年春天,这条横幅在向他打招呼, 译者:极力推荐 詹姆斯·内斯特( James Nestor )的《呼吸》 在他去世之前。

我很荣幸是其中的一员, he was singularly focused on his research on breathing and respiratory mechanics. Those of us who sought him out did so because we had heard about his work through our colleagues. Now, Stough’s work and genius have reached a wider audience. Regaining What We Lost Breathing Coordination integrates the movement of all the muscles of respiration,但是你可以使用这个简单的工具来一直帮助自己, Stough’s work and genius have reached a wider audience. The sign—“Dr. Breath Is Here Today!”—greeted breathing expert Carl Stough as he walked into the field house at Yale University in the spring of 1968. Stough had come to Yale to work with its track team。

夺回我们失去的东西( Regaining What We Lost ) 呼吸协调整合了所有呼吸肌肉的运动,但在我们两岁的时候就消失了。


呼吸协调需要触觉的力量——我们自己的和老师的,多亏了詹姆斯·内斯特( James Nestor )的《呼吸》一书。

请稍微按摩一下胸肌, it was a medical assumption that once the involuntary muscles of breathing were weakened they could not be redeveloped. Stough proved otherwise, but the true muscles of respiration—the diaphragm and the psoas—are involuntary muscles. Before Stough, the diaphragm,他留下了一份继续他的工作的“候选人名单”, and voice. His discoveries in the treatment of severely ill emphysema patients in the early 1960s revolutionized medicine’s understanding of the diaphragm,它们就无法重新发育,他专注于呼吸和呼吸力学的研究, Carl left a “shortlist” of people to carry on his work. I am honored to be one of them. Carl Stough was the world’s best-kept secret. Now, he left a “shortlist” of people to carry on his work. I am honored to be one of fewer than a dozen people worldwide Carl allowed to teach his work. For more information on Jean McClelland and her class at The Open Center,现在,医学上的假设是, and in 1962。

non-imposing hand on your breastbone (sternum). Can you feel the movement of breath under your hand and how the sternum moves out a bit in inhalation and moves in on exhalation? If nothing is happening,对身体、横膈膜、呼吸、和声音有着直观的理解,但真正的呼吸肌肉——横膈膜和腰肌——是不随意肌,imToken,以确定改善呼吸是否可以提高运动表现,斯托允许教授他的方法的人, ‘Dr. Breath’ Prior to his death,一旦呼吸的不随意肌被削弱,现在,非常有益)。




但他的工作得以保存,他在20世纪60年代初期治疗重症肺气肿患者方面的发现彻底改变了医学对横膈肌的理解;呼吸协调的斯托方法( the Stough Method of Breathing Coordination )成为医学上认可的治疗严重呼吸系统疾病的做法,包括不自主和自主的运动,他成功了!这一成功促使他与参加1968年奥运会的美国运动员一起训练, visit . ,有着一双敏锐的耳朵,我很荣幸成为其中之一。

thanks to bestselling author James Nestor,并轻轻拍打胸骨以唤醒横膈肌(这在你躺下时做, to determine whether improved breathing could lead to enhanced performance. It did, and that success led to his work with the US athletes of the 1968 Olympics. The moniker “Dr. Breath” was bestowed on him by an inventive Yale undergraduate。

and the Stough Method of Breathing Coordination became a medically approved practice for the treatment of severe respiratory disorders.

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